Rhode Island Hospital
Rhode Island Hospital Main Building/Zecchino Pavillion
593 Eddy Street
Providence, RI 02903 Get Directions
Phone: 401-444-4000

Community Resources and Links

Abuse and Neglect

Everyone in the state of Rhode Island is a mandated reporter when it comes to abuse and neglect of children or elders. Abuse and neglect may be emotional, physical, or financial; if you think you know someone who is suffering, please call and report your concerns.

The mission of the Rhode Island Children's Advocacy Center at Day One is to facilitate a coordinated effort among those agencies and professionals dealing with child sexual abuse and severe physical abuse cases, and to reduce the trauma experienced by children once a disclosure has been made and they become involved in the system.

For more information, visit http://www.dayoneri.org/.

Burial Assistance

Some states, including Rhode Island, may provide assistance with burial costs if you meet eligibility requirements. Please contact your local Department of Human Services office for more information. Find your office online at www.dhs.ri.gov.

US Funerals Online is a funeral guide and funeral home directory.

  • American Cancer Society
    Provides information on all aspects of cancer. Signature programs offered nationwide include: Reach to Recovery, Man to Man and Look Good Feel Better.
  • Cancer Care
    National non-profit organization that provides free professional support services to anyone affected by cancer. Programs include counseling, education, financial assistance and practical help.
  • National Cancer Institute
    Specialists from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) answer questions about cancer, and the website provides comprehensive information on cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment, statistics and clinical trials.
  • Cancer.Net
    The American Society of Clinical Oncology site provides accurate, reliable, oncologist-approved information to help patients and families make informed health care decisions.
  • Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
    Dedicated to funding blood cancer research, education and patient services. Offers a variety of services for patients with leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and myeloma.
Community Violence and Sexual Assault
  • Victims of Crime Help Line: 1-800-494-8100 Provides easy access to immediate, quality crisis intervention, support and referrals for all victims of crime in Rhode Island
  • Day One provides crisis intervention, counseling services and legal advocacy for victims of sexual assault and their families.
  • The RI Justice Commission website provides links and information related to victim assistance services including individual and family counseling; advocacy; legal assistance; restitution; and education.
  • RI Crime Victim Compensation Fund: As a victim of crime you may be eligible for state funded compensation. Visit the website to review eligibility rules and download an application.
  • The Institute for the Study and Practice of Nonviolence provides a range of supportive services for families, friends and significant others of homicide victims.
  • RI Victim Services Unit provides access to comprehensive resources for victims of crime, including information about the criminal justice procedure. Users must register to use this site.
Children's Resources
  • Family Help Desk
    Information and referrals to wide-ranging services for pediatric patients and families of Brown University Health hospitals.
  • Meeting Street School
    Educational institution for learners of all abilities.
  • RI Department of Human Services
    Provides a wide range of services to children and families.
  • RI Parent Information Network
    Provides information and support about the educational system for children and families
  • Ronald McDonald House
    Provides temporary lodging for families of children who are staying in hospital overnight.
Domestic Violence

If you need help: A 24-hour help line is available 1-800-494-8100. This number provides easy access to immediate, quality crisis intervention, support and referrals for all victims of domestic violence.

Any crime occurring between family members, household members or dating relationship partners is considered domestic violence. If you are a victim, you need to know that there are resources available to you: programs and agencies in RI offer emergency shelter, counseling and support groups, advocacy, and assistance in navigating the criminal justice system.

The following agencies provide help to victims throughout RI and are part of the RI Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

If you want more information about domestic violence and how you can help yourself or someone else:

  • Sojourner House offers a comprehensive network of support that helps victims of domestic violence rebuild their lives, piece by piece. Website includes educational materials and contact information for advocacy and legal assistance. http://www.sojournerri.org/
  • The Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence links many services together through organizations spread throughout Rhode Island. Each agency provides emergency support to victims and their families. Website provides access to educational materials related to the Court Advocacy Program and elder abuse. http://www.ricadv.org/en/
Elder Services
  • The Point
    Provides Information, referral and help getting started with programs and services for seniors and adults with disabilities.
  • Rhode Island Office of Healthy Aging
    Community-based programs for seniors.
  • AARP
    Website offers information and resources on health, money, caregiving,leisure, pharmaceuticals and insurance.
Grief and Bereavement

Losing someone you love is one of the most difficult experiences you will ever endure. While it is normal to mourn, you may find that educating yourself about grief and loss helps you to better understand your experience. For many people, participating in a support group or counseling may be helpful. Below are just a few of the resources available to Rhode Islanders grieving the loss of a loved one; your doctor and your community and/or religious and spiritual connections are other ways for you to access the support you need during this time.

  • American Hospice Foundation
    The American Hospice Foundation supports programs that serve the needs of terminally ill and grieving individuals of all ages. The website features a Grief Zone with extensive list of resources related to death and dying, grief and bereavement.
  • Compassionate Friends of Greater Providence
    A national self-help support organization that offers friendship and understanding to families who are grieving the death of a child of any age, from any cause. Free, monthly group meetings.
  • Hope Hospice and Palliative Care
    Helping people cope with the difficult times that follow a death is part of the mission of Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island and the purpose of the Bereavement Program. Free, weekly group meetings.
  • Friend's Way (Families Reaching Into Each New Day) offers open-ended groups for children ages 3-19 and their families after the death of a loved one. The groups meet on alternating weekdays. There is no fee for participation.
  • AARP
    Resources for coping with grief as well as tips sheets for managing funeral arrangements, financial matters and legal issues.
  • National Association of Social Workers
    NASW offers tips sheets, personal stories and a variety of resources for coping with grief.
  • U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
    HHS provides an overview of the grief process and a list of web sites related to coping with grief.

Hope Hospice and Palliative Care

Hospice Foundation of America


Several hotels in the area offer a modest discount to families of hospitalized patients. 

See a list of area hotels

Insurances/Lack of Coverage

The hospital's office of patient advocacy can help patients sort out insurance and coverage issues. Contact a patient liaison at 401-444-5817.

The National Association of Social Workers' "NASW: Help Starts Here" offers general information: www.helpstartshere.org

Pharmaceutical Assistance Programs

These programs are designed to help with medications for people who have no prescription coverage or have difficulty affording medications.

RIPAE for financially eligible seniors

Partnership for Prescription Assistance

Medicine Assistance Tool

TogetherRXAccess.com (discount cards)

Janssen Prescription Assistance

Public Supports and Access to Basic Needs

Sometimes an illness in the family or an unexpected injury can jeopardize a family's economic security. If you are having trouble making ends meet, visit your local Department of Human Services office and the DHS website to find out if you might be eligible for programs including food stamps, medical assistance, and other benefits that address specialized needs. Visit https://dhs.ri.gov/ for more information.

Need help, but you aren't sure exactly where to turn? Call 2-1-1. Free, confidential and accessible 24 hours a day, this project of the United Way and Crossroads RI was established to help Rhode Islanders find their way to the most appropriate resources and supports.

Renal Disease/Kidney Transplant

National Kidney Foundation
Living donor message board, transplant recipient message board, support and information about kidney disease and transplants.

Informative site for transplant recipients and donors.

New England Organ Bank

American Transplant Foundation

Social Security

For information about Social Security, call 1-800-772-1213 or visit www.ssa.gov.

Temporary Disability Insurance

For information about temporary disability insurance for Rhode Island Residents, call 401-462-8420 or visit www.dlt.ri.gov.

Victims of Crime

Victims of Crime Helpline: 1-800-494-8100

This 24-hour, statewide (Rhode Island) help line offers counselors/advocates to provide confidential support, information and advocacy over the phone. May accompany victims to hospital emergency departments or police departments.