Rhode Island Hospital
Rhode Island Hospital Main Building/Zecchino Pavillion
593 Eddy Street
Providence, RI 02903 Get Directions
Phone: 401-444-4000

Patient & Guest Services

Patient and guest services is here to help you and your family during your stay at Rhode Island Hospital.

We can:

  • Listen to and follow up on your concerns, complaints or compliments
  • Answer your questions
  • Direct your requests to the appropriate hospital departments. Please call 401-444-5817 if you would like to speak with a Patient and Guest Services representative.

Interpreter Services

Rhode Island Hospital provides a staff of professional interpreters to assist non-English-speaking patients, as well as sign language interpreters for deaf and hard of hearing patients.

Learn more about Brown University Health interpreter services

Social Work Services

Clinical social workers are licensed professionals trained to help you and your family cope with medical crisis, and with psychological and social issues associated with illness, injury or hospitalization. Our social workers are informed about community services and may refer you to one of the agencies or resources available.

If you or a member of your family would like to speak with one of our social workers, please call 401-444-5711.

Learn more about social work services

Spiritual Care Department

Hospital chaplains are available to provide spiritual care and support to our patients and their families. Clinically trained multi-faith chaplains offer spiritual and emotional support that is centered in the beliefs and values of our patients and their loved ones.

Chaplains can also offer prayer, make arrangements for Sacraments, or contact local clergy. The Spiritual Care Department includes Catholic priests and multi-faith chaplains from many faith traditions. Chaplains are available during the weekday for prayer/consultation and available 24/7 for emergencies. Eucharistic ministers offer Communion each day to Catholic patients.

Two chapels are available at all times to provide a place for quiet and reflection. The Chapel of Hope is near the lobby of the main building and the Hasbro Children’s Chapel is near the upper lobby of Hasbro Children’s.

Regular Services

  • Hasbro Children’s Chapel: Mass is celebrated Sundays and Holy Days at noon.
  • Chapel of Hope (Main Building): A Christian prayer service is held Wednesdays at 12:05 p.m.; Muslim prayer service is held at 1:15 p.m. on Fridays.

To reach a multi-faith or Catholic chaplain, please call 401-444-5108.

More about spiritual care services

Ethics Committee

Our ethics committee can provide assistance when you or your family are faced with complex medical choices, such as pursuing certain recommended treatments, continuing life-sustaining treatment or if you and your family are simply unsure of what is the best course of action. The ethics committee can also assist in interpreting a living will. If you are unable to take part in the decision-making process, your family or caregiver may find it difficult to make these decisions on your behalf.

The committee is here to help you, your family, your authorized representative or your doctor sort out the ethical questions in these situations. We are here to listen to you and to provide additional support and direction. It is important to understand that the committee will not make decisions for you or tell your doctor what to do. There is no charge for an ethics consultation and all consultations are confidential. Please call 401-444-6175 to request a consultation.

More about ethics and patient rights 

Advance Directives

All patients are asked if they have advance directives. An advance directive is a legally recognized, written document that states your wishes concerning medical treatment. If you have advance directives, it is your responsibility to provide us with a current copy, which we will file in your medical record. Please be aware that an advance directive is effective only if your health care team knows about it. Our clinical social work department is available to assist you should you wish to prepare advance directives. Please call 401-444-5711 for more information.

Physician Referral

For information about our physicians or help in choosing a Rhode Island Hospital affiliated physician, call our free physician referral service at 401-444-4800 or toll-free 1-800-927-1230. The office is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.