Rhode Island Hospital
Rhode Island Hospital Main Building/Zecchino Pavillion
593 Eddy Street
Providence, RI 02903 Get Directions
Phone: 401-444-4000

Parking and Public Transportation at Rhode Island Hospital

Rhode Island Hospital and its Hasbro Children's welcomes you. Our 60-acre campus accommodates more than 10,000 vehicles every day. We've prepared this guide to help you find your way around our campus. If you have any questions regarding parking please call the parking office at 401-444-4013.

Important: If your car is parked illegally or is blocking traffic, it may be towed. Parking in hospital fire lanes is prohibited and may result in immediate towing at the discretion of security. The Providence Police will fine any vehicle parked illegally in a handicap space. If you have any questions, please call security at 401-444-5221.

Get information on parking for Hasbro Children's

Parking Lots and Parking Fees

Parking Lots

Know where you're going?

Here's where to park

Parking Fees

Payment inside is required before leaving. Upon paying you have 30 minutes to depart the parking lot.

In order to maintain and improve our public parking lots, we charge modest parking fees.

  • Under 30 minutes: Free
  • 30 minutes to 2 hours: $5
  • 2 to 4 hours: $6
  • 4 to 24 hours: $7

Automated Parking Payment System

Patients and visitors are requested to pay their parking ticket at one of our automated pay stations located throughout the hospital campus.

See a map that includes all pay station locations

The automated pay stations accept credit cards and cash, dispense change if necessary (and a receipt if desired), and may be used in either English or Spanish. They are designed to accommodate all patients and visitors, including those in wheelchairs.

You will receive a ticket upon entrance to a parking lot. Please take your ticket with you, and pay at the nearest pay station before you leave. You will have 30 minutes to exit the lot after you pay. A parking representative will be available in the lobby of the Main Building Monday through Sunday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. to assist with validated tickets.

If you need help at the parking exit, please press the help button on the ticket machine. If you have any questions about the parking payment system, please call the Rhode Island Hospital parking office at 401-444-4013.

Discounted Parking

  • Immediate family members of any patient with a stay over one week (five days) are eligible for discounted parking vouchers with proof of admission. These vouchers may be obtained in the main lobby at the hours listed below. The vouchers will reduce the parking fee to $2.00 per day.

  • Immediate family members of all patients with a current stay of two weeks (10 days) or longer may purchase a parking pass card to access the lots until the patient is discharged. The pass card may be purchased for a $5 fee at the parking office and main lobby. Payment in the main lobby is by credit card only. This card is only activated in one month intervals. Families are only authorized a total of four cards.

  • All patients discharged from Rhode Island Hospital are given one free exit from the parking lots. Patients must show discharge paperwork upon exiting.

  • Patients who receive medical treatment that is covered by Rite Care, Medicaid and State Medical may park for free with your card and proof of medical appointment while exiting the parking lot.

  • Anyone coming regularly (three or more times per week) to the hospital for outpatient services may purchase a parking card for $35, which will allow unlimited access to the paid lots for a three-month period.

  • Parents of a child admitted to Hasbro Children's Hospital pay a $2 parking fee per day with a receipt and hospital identification bracelet.

  • Emergency department patients may park free of charge in the garage beneath the Emergency Department (Dudley Street Garage) or the Willard St Garage with a ticket validation stamp from the department.

For more information, please inquire at the information desk, or call the Parking Office at 401-444-4013.

Office and Lobby Hours of Operation

  • Parking Office, Physicians Office Building

    Monday through Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

  • Main Lobby

    Monday through Sunday: 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. 

Lost Tickets

If you lose your ticket, you'll be required to pay the daily maximum of $7. 

Valet Parking

Valet parking has gotten even better for our patients and families who are authorized for valet parking.

VPNE Parking solutions has added “TEXT IT IN” which will provide patients and families the ability to text for the return and pick up of their vehicle, just text the ticket number on the front of the parking receipt. The number to text will be provided on a card when the vehicle is dropped off. This time-saving enhancement covers Hasbro Children's Hospital, Ambulatory Patient Center, and Medical Office Complex valet locations.

If you have any questions please feel free to call the parking office at 401-444-4013.

Valet Parking for Hasbro Children's Hospital

  • Location and Eligibility for Valet Service: Valet parking is available at the building's Dudley Street entrance for visitors to the Hasbro Children's Hospital emergency department and visitors with handicap-designated vehicles and who are visiting the Center for Pediatric Imaging and the Tomorrow Fund clinics. To valet park, there must be a child in the car, except in the case of same-day surgery appointments. 

  • Valet Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday, 5:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Service is not available on weekends and holidays. Valet service may temporarily close when the plaza is full. A sign will be posted to indicate this. Valet service may open and close throughout the day.

  • Car Return: The valet will return customers' vehicles until 5 p.m. From 5 to 10 p.m., customers can retrieve their keys from the attendant, along with map provided to find location of their vehicles. After 10 p.m., keys are available from the security officer inside the Hasbro Children's Hospital emergency department.

Valet Parking for the APC Building

  • Location and Eligibility for Valet Service: Valet parking is available at the building's entrance for visitors with handicap-designated vehicles who are visiting the renal clinic, Alzheimer's and Memory Disorders Clinic, Brown University Health Cancer Institute, and Comprehensive Spine Center. 

  • Valet Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday, 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Service is not available on weekends and holidays. 

Valet Parking for the Medical Office Center (MOC), 2 Dudley Street

  • Location and Eligibility for Valet Service: Valet parking is available at the building's entrance for visitors with handicap-designated vehicles.

  • Valet Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday, 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. Service is not available on weekends and holidays. 
Public Transportation


We will gladly call a cab for you. Please inquire at the information desk in the lobby of the Zecchino Pavilion, Jane Brown or Ambulatory Patient Care (APC) building.


Buses stop at the entrance to the Zecchino Pavilion about every 20 minutes during the day, and once an hour in the evening. Bus service to the hospital begins at 6:20 a.m. and ends at 12:20 a.m. RIPTA bus schedules are available at the information desk in the Zecchino Pavilion. For more information on routes and fares, call RIPTA at 401-781-9400 or check online.

Security Services

If you require a security escort, please call 401-444-5221. All Rhode Island Hospital parking lots are equipped with lighting, surveillance equipment, security patrols and “help” buttons on light poles. Security can help start a dead car battery and open car doors if you have locked your keys inside.