Gateway Healthcare Giving Opportunities

You can make a difference!

Thank you for considering a gift to Gateway Healthcare. Your donation will allow us to continue helping individuals rebuild their lives through our services. There are many easy ways to support Gateway Healthcare.

By Mail

Personal checks or money orders should be made payable to Gateway Healthcare.  If you would like to designate your donation to a specific fund or program, please indicate the program name on the memo line of your check or money order. 

Mail your donation to:

Gateway Healthcare
Attn: VP of Operations
101-103 Bacon Street
Pawtucket, RI  02860

Online Donations

Gateway Healthcare is linked up to Network for Good to receive online donations using a major credit card. Donate now.

Annual Appeal

Request to be included in our mailing for an annual contribution. Letters are sent out once a year reminding donors to send in a tax deductible donation.
Email your mailing information to Gateway Healthcare


Endowments provide Gateway with stability because the principal of the endowment will not be spent, and because a portion of annual earnings will be reinvested in the endowment.  This means that we will always have a source of funds that will increase over time as the endowment grows with the addition of new gifts. It is a way to ensure that Gateway Healthcare will be able to provide services to future generations of children, adults and families. It generally takes a commitment of 20 times your annual contribution to endow an annual gift.

Will or Trust Bequests

The most popular and simplest way to make a planned gift is under your will or trust. You can provide a specific dollar amount, a percentage, a residual amount, real estate, or tangible property to Gateway Healthcare. This provision can be made through a new will or trust or added as a codicil or amendment.

IRA Rollover and Pension Fund Gifts

Often the largest part of one’s estate, these are some of the best ways to make a charitable gift because of the ease of initiation, particularly under new legislation. Donating these assets to a charity, such as Gateway Healthcare, avoids double taxation under income and estate tax provisions. Gateway Healthcare can be named as a partial or contingent beneficiary of your retirement or pension plan.

Gifts of Life Insurance

There are a variety of ways to make a charitable gift of insurance policies. With a relatively small outlay, you can make a substantial gift while obtaining tax benefits. Gateway Healthcare can be named as the sole, partial, or contingent beneficiary of a new or existing policy. Also, a paid up policy can be donated to Gateway Healthcare as the owner and sole beneficiary.

Charitable Remainder Trust

Certain charitable vehicles can provide you with a lifetime income, with the remainder being left to charity. These options ensure an income stream during your lifetime or the lifetime of your designated beneficiaries, leaving the residual benefit to charity. This is a simple and flexible way to maintain or increase your income and also benefit Gateway Healthcare.

Charitable Gift Annuity

There are many ways to fund a Gift Annuity, but cash or appreciated stock are the most common. When transferring securities to Gateway Healthcare, you can obtain an immediate charitable income tax deduction and bypass a portion of the capital gains tax as well. In addition, your income can frequently be increased in the form of a lifetime annuity payment based upon your age.

Gifts in Memory/Honor

A gift to Gateway Healthcare is a wonderful way to honor or memorialize a loved one. When you make a memorial or honor donation, we send you an acknowledgement of your gift. We also send a note to the individual or the family of the person who is being remembered, so they know a gift was made.

Contribute While Searching the Web

We are pleased to announce that Gateway is now participating in GoodSearch and GoodShop, a search engine that raises money for nonprofit organizations like ours.  Think of all the times you search on Google or Yahoo.  Now, you can make your search count!  Simply select Gateway Healthcare as your cause and follow the instructions to add GoodSearch as your browser.
Each time you search online through GoodSearch or purchase through GoodShop, money is donated Gateway Healthcare.

  • You can set this up at home
  • You can set it up on your cell phone internet search engine
  • You can set it up on your work computer

Event Favors

Wedding, anniversary, other special occasion? As a unique party favor, consider making a gift to support Gateway Healthcare. We can tailor your favor to inform your guests of your generosity and celebrate your special occasion. It’s a fun and meaningful way to commemorate your event!

Host a Fundraiser or Party

Create your own fundraiser and donate the profits.  Or host a party and instead of gifts, ask your guests to make a contribution to Gateway Healthcare in honor of your birthday, wedding, anniversary or other special occasion.  This will let your friends and family know that you support Gateway Healthcare and it give them an opportunity to form a relationship with our organization. We can provide you with donation envelopes or you can simply give them Gateway's web address,, to donate online.