Community Asthma Programs

Hasbro Children's includes a number of community-based asthma education, management, support and advocacy programs designed to improve the health and quality of life of children with asthma.

Our programs all share a common goal: to assist families in developing the knowledge and skills to advocate for their children's health and successfully manage asthma.

Our community asthma programs are housed within the department of pediatrics at Hasbro Children's.

girl blowing on pinwheel

Contact Us

For more information about our community asthma programs, please call us at 401-444-8340.

Our Community Asthma Programs

  • CVS/pharmacy Draw A Breath Program (DAB)
    Provides group-based learning opportunities for families of children with asthma. Classes are held several times throughout the year at Hasbro Children's and are offered in English and Spanish.
  • Controlling Asthma in Schools Effectively (CASE) Program
    With funding from the Rhode Island Department of Health, CASE provides targeted outreach and education for families with children enrolled in public elementary schools in the greater Providence area. Classes for parents and children are held in a different schools throughout the school year. Small, group-based classes are provided to enrolled students during the school day; caregiver classes are offered on school grounds during after-school hours. The CASE program also aims to increase awareness, knowledge, and strategies among school staff.
  • Asthma Camp
    Provides children with asthma the opportunity to participate in a weeklong summer camp.
  • Home Asthma Response Program (HARP)
    HARP offers home-based asthma management education and environmental remediation for families of children with poorly controlled asthma. This program is funded by the Rhode Island Department of Health and United Health Plan.
  • Community Outreach and Training
    We participate in community fairs, trainings and events to raise awareness of asthma and its treatment.

We Need Your Support

The Community Asthma Programs strives to provide services to all families. Projects, such as our week-long Asthma Camp are funded entirely by grants and philanthropy.

If you would like to make a donation to help children with asthma learn how to control the disease, please contact our office at 401-444-8340. We appreciate your generosity.

Meet the community asthma program team

childhood asthma

Asthma Research and Clinical Trials

Learn more about the innovative asthma research and clinical trials currently being conducted at Brown University Health.

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