Asthma and How To Control It

Asthma is a common and chronic (long-term) condition. Asthma causes the airways in the lungs to become inflamed and to constrict, making it difficult to breathe. Its impact may be mild, moderate or severe.
What are the symptoms of asthma?
The most common symptoms of asthma include cough, wheezing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. Diagnosis begins with a thorough review of your medical history and symptoms by a health care provider. The provider will perform a physical exam and order pulmonary tests, such as spirometry, pulmonary function, and methacholine challenge tests. Testing is important to make a diagnosis of asthma and to determine your baseline respiratory function and the severity of your condition.
What can trigger asthma symptoms?
Asthma symptoms can be triggered by many things. These include, but are not limited to:
- temperature changes
- environmental factors
- allergens
- stress
- exposure to tobacco smoke or perfumes
- viruses, such as the common cold
- exercise
These “triggers” cause the airways to react, resulting in constriction and inflammation. In asthmatics, the airway is what we call hyper-reactive, meaning more easily irritated. This hyper-reactiveness is what causes the symptoms associated with asthma, such as cough and difficulty breathing.
How is asthma treated?
The first step in the plan of care to help you manage your asthma is education. It’s important for you to understand:
- how asthma affects the body
- what triggers constriction and inflammation in your airways
- which medications are safe and effective
You will be prescribed a quick relief inhaler to help relieve immediate symptoms. Your provider will work with you to identify triggers that cause the onset of symptoms and identify ways to control these triggers. Your provider may order allergy testing as well.
It is important to follow the plan of care and track the pattern of your symptoms. Your provider will want to know if you get sick or notice an increase in your symptoms, but also remember to see your provider for regular follow-up appointments even if you feel well. Follow-up appointments are important so that your asthma control can be assessed and changes to your treatment plan made if needed. Successful treatment and control of your asthma is truly a partnership between you and your provider.
Once diagnosed with asthma, will I always have it?
Yes. You will always have asthma, but it can be well-controlled. Managing your condition well can result in minimal symptoms and thus minimal interruption to your daily life.
What defines “well-controlled” asthma?
Well-controlled asthma means you are having minimal or no symptoms and you do not require your quick relief inhaler (Albuterol) more than twice a week. It also means that you are not waking up from sleep in the middle of the night with asthma symptoms more than twice a month.
How can you limit your exposure to asthma triggers?
Limiting your exposure to those things that trigger your symptoms is key to managing your asthma. That includes:
- Getting a flu shot. Over 10,000 people in the United States died of the flu last year. It is recommended that everyone get a flu shot every year, ideally between the months of September and December. In addition, once you are diagnosed with asthma, you should receive the pneumonia vaccine, called Pneumovax 23 and then another pneumonia vaccine at age 65, called Prevnar 13.
- Care in cold weather. If cold weather is a trigger for you, wear a scarf over your nose and mouth when outside.
- Hand hygiene. It is always a best practice to wash your hands well and frequently, especially during a pandemic. It is always best to avoid being around others who are sick.
- Taking antihistamines for allergies. Spring allergies may be a trigger for some, causing itchy eyes, ears, nose and throat. Taking allergy medications, called antihistamines, can help your symptoms and may prevent allergies from triggering your asthma.
If you suspect you are having consistent asthma symptoms, talk with your health care provider. Keep a log of your symptoms, their severity, and what possible triggers you may have encountered.
For more tips on managing your health, visit the Be Well blog.

About the Author:
Lily C. Boyle, PA-C
Lily Boyle is a physician assistant with Brown Health Medical Group Primary Care.

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