The Miriam Hospital
The Miriam Hospital Main Building
164 Summit Ave
Providence, RI 02906 Get Directions
Phone: 401-793-2500

The Miriam Hospital Women's Association

Members of The Miriam Hospital Women's Association celebrate more than 125 years of caring. Throughout the years, over 1,000 active members, including two- and three-generation families, have played a major role in founding and sustaining The Miriam Hospital.

By combining past ideals with modern ideas, we are able to achieve our goals and stimulate our future growth. Our purpose is to contribute time and energy to enhance the physical and mental well being of patients in The Miriam Hospital.

Become a member or renew

Woman sleeping on her side

The Quest for Healthy Sleep

Thursday, May 1 at 7 p.m.

Join The Miriam Hospital Women's Association for our free, in-person Community Speaker Series Spring 2025 event. Katherine Sharkey, MD, PhD, FACP, FAASM, FAMWA, will present on the challenges that keep us up at night as well as the difference between everyday stress and true sleep disorders, how poor sleep impacts memory, mood, and heart health, and what “good” sleep hygiene looks like.

Register Online

Our History

​The Jewish community of Providence in 1897 numbered approximately 1,200 families. The majority were very recent immigrants, Yiddish speaking, struggling to find a place in their new home.

To ease their transition to American life, they formed self-help organizations to augment the community structure already in existence. Among these organizations were women's groups dedicated to good works. In time each organization developed a particular purpose and niche in the community.

One group of women chose to make "Bikur Cholm," visiting the sick to offer comfort, the chief priority. From this dedication grew the dream of one day establishing a Jewish hospital, a place of healing that would be open to all people. These women were members of Miriam Lodge No. 13, order of B'rith Abraham, the founding mothers of the organization known today as The Miriam Hospital Women's Association.

Learn more about our role in the founding of The Miriam Hospital

Our Contributions

How do we achieve our goals?

  • Our Annual Equipment Event proceeds are used to purchase new medical equipment for the hospital. Donate now
  • The Lillian Zarum Oncology Patients' Fund enables us to reimburse a portion of wig expenses for patients undergoing chemotherapy for cancer.
  • New medical textbooks for The Miriam 's medical library are purchased through the Harriet S. Samors Medical Library Fund.
  • The Matilda Zwetchkenbaum Memorial Fund provides tender loving care and hospitality to family and friends waiting for surgery patients.
  • The Lenore Leach Fund for Heart-Healthy Women provides educational materials to aid in the prevention and care of heart disease in women.
  • Artwork for patients' rooms to give a feeling of comfort is purchased through the Estelle Klemer Healing Artworks Fund.
  • Proceeds from the Patients' Special Service Fund are directed to patients' needs.
  • The Oscar “Arnie” Leach Memorial Fund was established by Lenore Leach in 2008, in memory of her late husband, Oscar Leach. Donations from this fund will provide refreshments to family members waiting for patients in the Fain Health Center liaison area.
  • The Robin Engle Pulmonary Fund was established by Robin Engle upon her receiving the 2015 Annual Recognition Award. Proceeds from this fund are donated to the pulmonary department for equipment and services that will assist patients during their treatment and rehabilitation at The Miriam Hospital.
  • The Marianne Litwin Community Education & Enrichment Fund was originally established by Marianne Litwin in honor of her daughter, Madison, to support a community forum on Lyme disease. The fund continues as an endowment for educational opportunities and professional training for medical professionals, hospital personnel, patients, and the community at large.
  • We sponsor Health Education Programs, informative mini seminars on current medical and social issues of interest to our members are presented to the public by physicians and staff at The Miriam Hospital.

Learn More

For more information about The Miriam Hospital Women's Association, please call 401-793-2520 or email [email protected].