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The Adolescent Leadership Council (TALC) at Hasbro Children's provides teens with group-based support in dealing with chronic medical conditions.
Hasbro Children's’s Youth Advisory Council was formed to serve as a voice for patients within the hospital system. The council consists of approximately 20 adolescents who receive or have received treatment at Hasbro Children's on an inpatient or outpatient basis.
The Adolescent Leadership Council (TALC) at Hasbro Children's provides teens with group-based support in dealing with chronic medical conditions.
The council's goals are to:
One of the major issues raised by the youth advisory council was the need to improve communication between patients and their providers.
To address this issue, the first project the youth advisory council undertook was the creation of a series of three booklets, directed at patients, parents and providers to guide each through the process of diagnosis and treatment at Hasbro Children's, while facilitating effective communication between the young patients, their parents and the doctors.