Diabetes and Endocrinology

Adult Endocrinology and Diabetes Care

Diabetes is a fact of everyday life for more than 90,000 Rhode Islanders. Good control and understanding of the disease, and improved self-management skills can help those with diabetes lead more active, productive lives.

Our diabetes and endocrinology care is provided with a team approach, including physicians, nurses, diabetes educators, and researchers.  

Receptionist makes a dental appointment.

Make an Appointment

To make an appointment, please call 401-444-8344. Appointment times are available Monday through Friday.

Our outpatient care provides patients and referring physicians access to endocrinologists and multiple other subspecialists, a patient education program and inpatient services, all of which are coordinated with the educational, clinical, and basic research activities of the division of endocrinology.

Our Services

Our clinical services include treatment of the following:

Our Team

Physicians, diabetes educators and researchers create a complete plan to help you manage your condition. Endocrinologists are specially trained physicians who treat diseases that affect the body's glands, the endocrine system. Diabetes is one such disease. Your primary care physician refers you to an endocrinologist if you have a problem with your endocrine system.

Your endocrinologist will determine which types of medicine you need and how much medicine you need to take. He or she will also determine your appropriate blood sugar range, monitor your weight, and conduct tests to be sure that your blood sugar is in the "good" range and that your body is healthy. Your endocrinologist will work with other specialists and your primary care physician to coordinate a complete health care plan.

A certified diabetes educator will teach you about proper diet and meal plans, how to test your blood, and how to fit diabetes care into your everyday life. If insulin is needed, a nurse will teach you simple methods for giving injections. If necessary, we will also arrange nutrition counseling or a weight management plan.

Diabetes and Endocrinology Locations

Diabetes and Endocrinology