WomanCare: A Breast and Cervical Cancer Outreach, Education and Screening Program

Your health matters. One of the best ways to stay healthy is to have preventive screenings for breast cancer and cervical cancer. 

Several times a year, the Cancer Institute, the Community Health Institute, and the Anne C. Pappas Center for Breast Imaging host a special breast and cervical cancer screening program for women ages 21 and older. No medical insurance is required.

Transportation assistance, language interpretation, childcare, lunch, and parking will be available at no charge.

Information in Spanish

WomanCare es un programa de detección de cáncer de mama y de cuello uterino proporcionado por Brown University Health Cancer Institute, Brown University Health Community Health Institute y  Anne C. Pappas Center for Breast Imaging.

WomenCare se ofrece a mujeres de 21 años o más. No se requiere seguro médico. 

Asistencia de transporte, interpretación de idiomas, cuidado de niños, almuerzo y estacionamiento estarán disponibles sin costo alguno.

Information in Portuguese

WomanCare é uma programa de rastreio do cancro da mama e do colo do útero fornecido pelo Instituto do Cancro de Brown University Health, o Instituto Communitário de Saúde de Brown University Health, e o Centro Anne C. Pappas para Imagem da Mama.

WomanCare é oferecido às mulheres com 21 anos ou mais. 

Não é necessário seguro médico. A assistência em termos de transporte, interpretação linguística, cuidados infantis, almoço e estacionamento estarão disponíveis gratuitamente.

What to Expect at Your Screening Appointment

During your visit, you can receive a pelvic exam, Pap test, clinical breast exam, and screening mammogram. Most results will be available on the same day and arrangements for follow-up care will be provided, as needed. You will also receive health education from community partners and information to take home to help you stay in your best health.


Volunteers are essential to provide these women with the healthcare they need. Parking, lunch, and refreshments will be provided. During the event, we have opportunities for residents, medical students and professionals, and non-medical students and professionals.

Register to Volunteer

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected] or call 401-444-8076.