
Reducing pain is a very important goal for our doctors and nurses. Sometimes pain can be caused by the cancer itself or by the chemotherapy. Your doctor or primary nurse will address your pain needs at each visit.

What to do:

  • Keep a pain diary. Write when, where and how long your pain lasts. Write if anything makes your pain worse or better, if you took any medicines and, if so, how many and how often.
  • It is important to take your pain medication as your doctor prescribes.
  • Do not skip doses of your pain medicine. If you wait too long, it can be difficult to get your pain under control.
  • Some pain medicines require a written prescription from our doctor, and a 24-hour notice before filling at your pharmacy. Our nurses need at least one to two days to obtain a new, written pain prescription.

When to call your doctor or nurse:

  •  If you experience new pain, an increase in pain or if your pain does not subside after taking medication.
  • If you have pain (burning, stabbing, shooting, pressure, aching, sharp, dull, throbbing, or any other pain symptoms).
  • If you experience constipation related to your pain medicine. You should not skip pain medicine to prevent constipation, which may be treated with laxatives and stool softeners.

If you are unable to notify your doctor or nurse about your pain, please have your contact person call for you.