Back-to-School Safety
The fall season marks back-to-school time and although the kids are sad summer is over; there is a lot to look forward to in the upcoming year. Bus rides, time at the playground, and of course, Halloween! With these activities come new challenges keeping our families safe.
Children under ten should always cross the street with an adult. Developmentally, it can be hard for kids to judge speed and distance of cars until age ten. Distractions aren’t just about driving. Teach kids to put away electronic devices when crossing the street.
School buses are the safest way to get your child to school; one percent of student fatalities occur by school bus and 23 percent occur when students are driven by adults. Teach children school bus safety rules like: Staying seated at all times and walking far in front of the school bus so the bus driver can see them.
Playgrounds are a great way to release all that energy children have, but it is important to make sure they are in a safe environment. Find out what to look for in the “Dirty Dozen” of playground safety to help avoid injuries.
Be sure to check out our links for more information
Did You Know?
- School buses are the safest mode of transportation for getting children back and forth to school. Students are 50 times more likely to arrive at school safely if they take the bus than if they drive themselves or ride with friends or even adults. (US Department of Transportation)
- Each year in the United States, emergency departments treat more than 200,000 children ages 14 and younger for playground-related injuries. (CDC)
- As pedestrians, children are at even greater risk of injury or death from traffic crashes due to their small size, inability to judge small distances and speeds, and lack of experience with traffic rules. Nearly one in four traffic deaths among children ages 14 and under are pedestrian deaths. (CDC)
View our back-to-school resources
Back-to-School Safety Videos
School Bus Safety

What Is School Bus Safety?

The National Safety Council
Driving Safely with School Buses

Safe Bus Stop Behavior
Pedestrian Safety

Gary on the Street
Distracted Walking

Is Your Local Playground Unsafe?
Safety Topics
- Back-to-School Safety
- Backyard Safety
- Bullying Prevention
- Choking and Poisoning Hazards in the Home
- Distracted Driving
- Driveway Safety
- Hot Weather Hazards
- Fire and Burn Safety in the Home
- Holiday Safety
- Sleep Safety
- Sports Head Injuries
- Water Safety
- Wheeled Sports Safety
- Winter Weather Hazards
- Vehicular Heatstroke and Entrapment
- 4-Safety Car Seat Program
- 4-Safety Events Calendar
- 4-Safety in the News