Kidney Donor Evaluation: The First Appointment

The first appointment for the donor evaluation is with one of the transplant nurses and the transplant social worker. The purpose of this meeting is to explain the donation process and to allow time for the donor to ask questions. During this 1 to 1½ hour meeting:

  1. A general psychological and medical history will be obtained.
  2. The donor will be asked to sign a medical release form, which will allow pertinent medical information to be shared with the transplant team.
  3. At the end of this visit, a laboratory requisition form will be given to the donor.
  4. An appointment with a nephrologist (kidney specialist) will also be made at that time.
  5. The donor will have a blood and urine test performed prior to leaving the hospital. The purpose of these tests is to spot-check the donor's renal function.
  6. During the appointment with the nephrologist a history and physical will be completed. At that time, the nephrologist will have all old medical records, as well as the results from the blood and urine tests.

Based on the findings, the nephrologist will determine if the candidate is eligible to donate a kidney. Once the nephrologist has determined that the candidate is healthy, the testing process can begin. The donor should leave this appointment with a complete list of the remaining tests, detailed instructions, and a schedule to complete them.

Next step: Other tests before surgery