Treatment Planning

The Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) program at Rhode Island Hospital offers state-of-the-art treatment to patients suffering from major depression who have not benefitted from medication or who are intolerant of medication side effects. NeuroStar TMS is an innovative, U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved treatment for major depression that expands the treatment options available to our patients. Our goal is to have our patients reach full remission from depression and restore their quality of life with minimal disruption to their daily routines.

Treatment includes:

  • One-on-one consultation with our medical director, including detailed review of antidepressant and prior treatment history
  • Coordination of care with referring physicians
  • Individualized treatment planning
  • Stimulation site by physician trained in NeuroStar TMS motor threshold (MT) determination
  • Computer-assisted verification of stimulation site
  • Repetitive stimulation using individualized treatment parameters and site as determined by physician and memorized by NeuroStar TMS unit

Treatments are daily, five times per week for up to six weeks. Treatment takes approximately 35 minutes. You can resume normal activity, including work and driving, after each treatment.

More about our services