Burn Survivor Support Group

The Burn Center at Rhode Island Hospital organizes a bi-monthly support group for burn survivors of all ages and their families. Meetings take place at Gerry House on the Rhode Island Hospital campus.

A standard meeting can consist of:

  • Introduction and discussion of a burn care topic
  • Open time to share with the group (participants may share or listen to others share)
  • Networking (a time to meet and talk with other survivors)
  • Pediatric expressive therapy

For further information, please call 401-606-4210 or email [email protected].

Pediatric Expressive Therapy Group

The purpose of this expressive therapies group is to allow children and adolescents the opportunity to gradually explore their thoughts and feelings related to their traumatic experiences in a safe, non-threatening environment.

Expressive therapies (painting, drawing, clay-making, therapeutic games, etc.) provide children and adolescents with the opportunity and freedom to explore and express their thoughts and feelings in a therapeutic manner.

The pediatric group meets at the same time and place as the adult group. Please call 401-606-4210 or email for more information.

Burn Survivor Support Group

A support group for burn survivors of all ages and their families meets at 6:00 p.m. in the first floor lounge of the Gerry House at Rhode Island Hospital. 

For further information, please call 401-606-4210 or email [email protected].

Location and parking information


More about The Burn Center at Rhode Island Hospital