Upper and Lower Extremity Deformities and Injuries

Many conditions of the upper and lower extremities can be corrected through non-operative treatments, including physical therapy. If surgery is required, treatments include the latest in arthroscopic surgery, fracture repair, nerve decompression and reconstructive surgery for brachial plexus injuries.

The brachial plexus is the set of nerves that sends signals to the brain to control the muscles of the shoulder and arm. If these nerves are damaged, a child will have a form of brachial plexus palsy, which could affect the entire arm including the wrist and hand, or could affect only the shoulder and elbow. Physical therapy helps some children recover from brachial plexus palsy, but some children may require surgery to repair the damaged nerves.

Blount’s disease is a malformation of the tibia (shin bone) in which the bone bows and causes the lower leg to turn inward. Unlike bowleg, which usually corrects over time, Blount’s disease becomes worse if not treated. Treatment options can be non-surgical or surgical, depending on the severity of the condition.

Conditions we treat include:

  • Brachial plexus palsy
  • Blount’s disease and limb deformity
  • Leg length discrepancy and growth disturbances

Pediatric Hand Disorders and Injuries

The division of pediatric orthopedics treats congenital hand disorders, as well as problems resulting from trauma, injury or neurological conditions. Congenital disorders include extra fingers, webbed fingers, missing fingers, abnormal thumbs and joint problems. We also treat conditions such as nerve injuries, bone injuries, growth disorders and arthritis. Julia Katarincic, MD, is one of the only fellowship-trained pediatric hand surgeons in New England.

Conditions we treat include:

  • Congenital hand deformities
  • Syndactyly (incomplete separation of fingers) and polydactyly (extra fingers)
  • Trigger thumbs
  • Nail deformities
  • Tumors of the hand and wrist
  • Wrist and hand fractures
  • Pediatric hand therapy and splinting

Foot Disorders

Clubfoot is a common pediatric musculoskeletal condition. Though clubfoot is not painful, it prevents the child from walking correctly. Clubfoot may be corrected using Ponseti casting or another other less invasive treatment. In some cases, surgery may be required.

Congenital vertical talus is a malformation of the small talus bone in the foot, which causes a severe form of flatfoot that can result in difficulty walking. Other conditions that we treat are flat feet, extra toes and toe deformities.

Conditions we treat include:

  • Clubfoot
  • Congenital vertical talus
  • Spastic foot deformity/toe walking

More about pediatric orthopedics at Hasbro Children's