Outpatient Rehabilitation Treatment Methods

Brown University Health Outpatient Rehabilitation Services takes an individualized approach to helping you regain the mobility, strength, and capabilities you need to get back to your everyday life.

Woman having her knee examined

Outpatient Rehabilitation Locations

Brown University Health has numerous locations around Rhode Island that provide rehabilitation services near where you live and work. Some offer Saturday appointments.

Find a location that is convenient for you

Our expert therapists will work with you one-on-one to achieve your goals, addressing your particular needs with:

The Children's Rehabilitation Center at Brown University Health offers occupational and physical therapy services, audiology, speech language pathology, and neurological consultation to children and youth who have physical, developmental, behavioral, and sensory motor challenges; have been injured; or have other medical needs. Our centers in Providence, East Greenwich, Lincoln, and Central Falls offer specialty services suited to a pediatric patient’s needs.

Learn more about outpatient rehabilitation services at Brown University Health