Lipid and Prevention Program

Reducing the Risk of Heart Attack by Using Advanced Clinical Lipidology

The Lipid and Prevention Program at the Brown University Health Cardiovascular Institute is dedicated to reducing the risk of first and recurrent heart attacks in at-risk adults.

For more than a decade, our preventive cardiologists and nurse practitioner have worked with referring providers to reduce the risk of heart attacks in patients with severe cholesterol disorders.

Today, we provide the only cardiology-based prevention practice in Rhode Island where referred patients undergo clinical diagnosis and treatment of cholesterol disorders by practitioners who have achieved national board certification or accreditation in clinical lipidology.

Conditions We Treat

We provide services for patients who have:

  • Severe cholesterol disorders
  • Poor cholesterol control despite medication
  • Intolerance to cholesterol-lowering medication
  • Personal or family histories of early coronary heart disease

What to Expect

We provide a clinical diagnosis for every patient based on his or her baseline cholesterol profile, family history and, if needed, advanced lab testing. We tailor diet, exercise and medication recommendations to each patient’s disorder and level of cardiovascular risk. We are available for consultation and follow-up, or consultation only. We work in collaboration with our patients’ primary care physicians, providing updates after every visit, and evaluate self-referred patients as well. 

Lipid and Prevention program

Contact the Lipid and Prevention Program

For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call 1-855-332-8474.

If you are a patient or provider, please provide past and recent cholesterol test results to us before or at the time of the initial visit.

Brown University Health Locations

Over 1,620 hospitals and clinics throughout Rhode Island, here are some featured locations:

Lipid and Prevention Program, East Greenwich, RI