Child & Adolescent Inpatient Program at Bradley Hospital
Bradley Hospital offers inpatient services for children ages 2 to 18 years who suffer from serious disorders and are in need of short-term stabilization assessment and treatment.
Our inpatient program comprises two age-designated units: children ages 3 to 12 years and adolescents 13 to 18 years.
Children and their families are assigned to an attending psychiatrist and a family therapist. The multidisciplinary team also includes a psychologist, nurses, pediatrician, nurse practitioner and milieu associates.
Bradley's Philosophy of Care
Teamwork: We work as a team with you and your child. We understand that parents and caregivers know their children best.
Understanding the whole child: We look at all areas of your child's development (physical, emotional and social). We work together as a team of professionals from many disciplines.
Least restrictive care: We actively work to help children be successful in less restrictive environments.
Problem-solving and collaboration: We teach children tools to help them resolve conflict in healthier ways and to help them make safer choices.
Support of diversity: We understand that families come in many forms and from diverse backgrounds. We respect differences in child-rearing beliefs and view diversity as an important part of treatment.
The use of cannabis is on the rise. Now legal in many states, cannabis (also known as marijuana, pot, dope, and weed) is used both medicinally and recreationally. Because it is now so widely accepted, some believe marijuana...