Early Childhood Consultation and Program Evaluation

Consultation Services

Early Childhood Research and Services offers consultation services targeted towards young children (birth through 8 years) and their natural environments.

We provide consultation in the following areas:

  • Community settings such as pediatric practices, early care and education environments, school districts, and other local early childhood agencies regarding child and family development, child behavior problems, classroom functioning, organizational management and goals, program planning, staff development, and clinical support and supervision.
  • Professionals delivering specific evidence-based curriculum, namely the Incredible Years Series, the Family Check Up and Motivational Interviewing, by offering organizational assessment, training, coaching, and consultation
  • Community-based professional training and technical assistance on issues such as child and family assessment, normative and atypical child development, parent-child and family relationships, and behavior management strategies for parents and early childhood professionals
Man  with baby on lap at kitchen table looking at laptop

Learn More

Bradley Hasbro Children's Research Center is located at:

1011 Veterans Memorial Parkway

East Providence, RI 02915

Please call 401-793-8700 for more information. Our fax number is 401-793-8799.

Program Evaluation Services

We offer a full range of program evaluation services including:

  • Planning and conducting a full evaluation of a community-based initiative
  • Grant writing assistance
  • Consultation regarding program evaluation objectives and design
  • Assistance setting up data management systems

We have the capacity to provide program evaluation services for community-based organizations interested in evaluating a single program, as well as large-scale evaluations of state-wide system change initiatives.