Biostatistics, Epidemiology, Research Design, and Informatics (BERDI)
Biostatistics, Epidemiology, Research Design, and Informatics (BERDI) is a team of faculty and staff across several departments with diverse and extensive experience conducting a broad range of research projects. The BERDI is partially supported with funds from Advance CTR.

BERDI's Main Purposes
BERDI has two main purposes:
- We help investigators navigate the quantitative and qualitative resource landscape at Brown University Health (and partner institutions) to identify appropriate areas for collaboration.
- We provide biostatistics support on projects through established collaborative teams and build additional biostatistics resources as needed.
Scope of Statistical Practice Goes Beyond Analysis

Classes & Labs
We have a small lab with four internet-enabled workstations in our Grads Dorm location at Rhode Island Hospital. We leverage this space to teach small applied classes in response to common requests.
We are expanding our REDCap classes to larger groups and more locations throughout the state as part of Advance-CTR.

Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap)
Brown University Health's REDCap is free to use for Brown University Health projects.
Visit Brown University Health's REDCap site
Are you looking for more detailed instructions on accessing REDcap, anwers to questions, or links to REDCap resources?