What We Do at the Community Health Institute

Family riding their bicycles

Contact Us

To find out more information about our community programs or to arrange for a special program your for group, call us at 401-444-8009 or e-mail [email protected].

Brown University Health Community Health Institute provides a number of programs in the following areas:

  • Screenings and Vaccinations include health screenings and flu clinics in community settings.
  • Skill-building for Healthy Living programs include conferences, workshops, and behavior change programs that address common health challenges.
  • Health in Community programs advance health equity by addressing social determinants of health through social needs screening, navigation support, workforce initiatives, and advocacy in the criminal legal system.  
  • Youth Programs for elementary through secondary schools expose students to health careers, offer mentoring and tutelage, and train students in health and safety.

More about Us

Read our most recent annual report and access additional resources