Serena Tavares, RN

Serena Tavares, BSN, RN

Nurse Educator

Serena Tavares, BSN, RN graduated with a bachelor of science in nursing from Rhode Island College. Prior to becoming a nurse, she was a Brown University Health Summer Youth Employee in 2014. Her three years in the program played an important role in her decision to pursue a career in nursing.

Throughout her career, Tavares has worked in medical-surgical and acute care settings. She also has experience in outpatient care, providing telehealth education and services, as well as providing clinical education and coordinating onboarding programs.

Her experience in these different settings has helped her discover her true passion: education and serving communities. Tavares is currently completing her master in nursing at Rhode Island College. She is committed to fostering a diverse, inclusive and compassionate healthcare workforce while encouraging others to find their passions and work toward making the world a better place.