Related Links
Below are some related links on these topics.
- Rhode Island Department of Health advance directives site
- The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization consumer information site
- Americans for Better Care of the Dying (ABCD) is a non-profit public charity dedicated to social, professional, and policy reform aimed to improve the care system for patients with serious illness and their families.
- Aging with Dignity is a privately funded, non-profit organization that advocates for the needs of elders and their caregivers with a particular emphasis on improving care for those at the end of life.
- Patients and Visitors
- Guidelines for Visitors and Families
- Safety Tips for Patients and Visitors
- General Discharge Information
- Interpreter Services
- MyChart Health Record Sign Up
- Text Messaging for Patients
- Telehealth
- Insurance, Billing and Financial Assistance
- Request Medical Records
- Ethics and Patient Rights
- Spiritual Care Department