Total Joint Center Clinical and Quality Outcomes

Clinical and Quality Outcomes for FY24

The Total Joint Center performed significantly better than the national average in length of stay, discharge directly to home, and other measures, according to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, and other recent literature.

The center has earned several prestigious distinctions, including The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval for Advanced Certification for total hip and total knee replacement, a recognition for quality, consistency and safety of services, and patient care.

In addition, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Rhode Island named The Miriam Hospital a Blue Distinction Center for knee and hip replacement, and for 2024 to 2025, US News and World Report designated The Miriam a “High Performer” in hip and knee replacement surgery.

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Length of Stay

The Total Joint Center average length of stay for total hip or knee replacements (1.3 days) was lower than the national average of 1.8 days. (Reported by the American Joint Replacement Registry.)

Total Joint Center Average Length of Stay Outcomes. Lower numbers are better. Outcome is 1.3 days compared to the national average, which is 1.8 days.

Discharge to Rehabilitation/Skilled Nursing Facility

Only eight percent of Total Joint Center patients were discharged to a skilled nursing facility. Most of our patients are medically qualified to recover in the comfort of their own homes. Nationwide, about 10 percent of hip and knee replacement patients transition to a care facility. (Reported by the American Joint Replacement Registry.)

Total Joint Center discharge to home outcomes, higher numbers are better. The Total Joint Center outcome is 92% compared to the national average of 90%. For the Total Joint Center discharge to skilled nursing facility, lower numbers are better. The outcome is 8% compared to the national average of 10%.

Surgical Site Infection Rates

Less than one percent of Total Joint Center patients had surgical site infections for primary hip or knee replacements for fiscal year 2024. That compares to a national average of two percent. (According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons.)

For fiscal year 2024, surgical site infection rates for primary hip and knee replacements, where a lower number is better, the Total Joint Center had a rate of one-tenth of one percent while the national average was two percent. This data comes from the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons.

Regional Anesthesia

About twice as many Total Joint Center patients who received total hip or knee replacements were able to have regional anesthesia (spinal, epidural, or adductor canal block) during surgery rather than general anesthesia, compared to patients nationwide. (According to the American Joint Replacement Registry.)

Results for the use of regional anesthesia on the knee, where a higher number is better, the Total Joint Center scored 96% compared to the national benchmark of 48%. For the use of regional anesthesia on the hip, the Total Joint Center scored 83% compared to the national benchmark of 40%. The national benchmark is established by the American Joint Replacement Registry.

Needed Blood Transfusion

Only 0.8 percent of Total Joint Center patients required a blood transfusion during their hip or knee replacement surgery or during their hospital stay, compared to about five percent nationwide.

Total Joint Center use of needed blood transfusion, lower numbers are better. The Total Joint Center use of needed blood transfusion outcome is 0.8% compared to the national average of 5%.

Incidence of Venous Thromboembolism

The Total Joint Center had 0.1 percent of patients who experienced VTE (either deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism) during their hospital stay or within 30 days following surgery, compared to 2.7 percent nationally.

A lower number is better. Incidence of Venous Thromboembolism is point-one-percent for The Miriam Hospital, compared to the national benchmark of two-point-seven percent.

Learn more about Total Joint Center at the Brown University Health Orthopedics Institute