Acute Care Physical Therapy

Physical therapists and physical therapist assistants in the acute care setting are licensed health care professionals who provide restorative and preventive therapy to patients who have physical functional impairments. Physical therapists assist in promoting the patient’s highest level of function while in the hospital.

Patient receiving rehabilitation services
Acute care rehabilitation at Lifespan is provided in a hospital setting and provides patients with individualized rehabilitation.

The physical therapist:

  • Assesses the acutely ill patient and develops a plan of care to address patient-centered goals focused on strength, endurance and safe functional mobility

  • Helps the patient regain or improve mobility (walking, getting in and out of bed, up and down stairs, etc.), and improve balance, strength and endurance

  • Provides exercises as appropriate

  • Emphasizes safety with all mobility, and may also work on safe use of assistive devices such as wheelchairs, walkers, canes, etc. 

  • May also train family members and caregivers as needed in how to assist the patient with safe mobility

Pediatric Physical Therapy

Physical therapists who work with children are knowledgeable about stages of development and appropriate milestones in a child’s development. The pediatric physical therapist is a member of the care team working with children and their families to assist each child in reaching his or her maximum potential, promoting functional independence and active participation during hospitalization and after discharge.

Learn more about physical therapy services for children and teens